MAFCA Members with Email

Fields preceded by an asterisk(*) are required.

AOL Users: this form won't work for you.
Follow the instructions at the end of this form.

* First Name
* Last Name
* City
* State or Country
Body Style (45B, 155C)
Interest (touring, fashion)
* Email Address
I am currently not listed, so add me to the list
Just update my listing

Clicking Submit will use your email program to send the above information to the Listmaster.

* AOL USERS: please e-mail the following information to the Listmaster below:

Name Where you live (city, state, country) Chapter you belong to
Body style of car Interest (fashion, speed...) Email address

[Kilroy Line]

Listmaster: Tom Boergert - Spotsylvania, VA
Last Updated 01/31/2022