In Memory

As a tribute to MAFCA officials and significant others who have passed, this page pays a final tribute. We will miss them.

Chapter Passed Bio/Obituary
Mary Carlson

Lions Gate Chapter

Era Fashions Chair 2011-2014

May 29, 2024 [ReadMore]
Ron Mosher

San Fernando Valley Chapater

Judging Standards Committee Chair 1996-1997

January 23, 2024 [ReadMore]
Marco Tahtaras

Henry's A's Chapter

Judging Standards Committee 1987-2004

April 3, 2024 [ReadMore]
Frank Rosin

Evergreen Chapter

Creator of the A-World magazine

December 3, 2023 [ReadMore]
Robert (Bob) Jones

Beaver Chapter

1981 MAFCA President
Membership Director 1980, 1982
Vice President 1983

July 30, 2023 [ReadMore]
Jim Spawn

NW Missouri Chapter

Restorer Editor, 2000-2017

October 24 2022 [ReadMore]
John Frazee

Palomar Chapter

2005 President
2003 Vice President
2002,2004 Membership

January 25, 2022 [ReadMore]
Dan Foulk

Bakersfield Chapter

2014 MAFCA President
2011-2013 MAFCA Vice President
2018-2021 MAFCA Advertising Director

November 19, 2021 [ReadMore]
Gary Koser

Wisconsin Chapter

1987 MAFCA President
MAFCA Life Member

August, 2020 [ReadMore]
George Tynan

Dallas Chapter

MAFCA President 2003
Vice-President - 2002
Advertising Director - 2009
Membership Director- 2001
Technical Director - 2004

July 16, 2020 [ReadMore]
Tim Johnstone

Woody Wagons Special Interest Group

Chief Judge - Vehicles
1994 Tacoma, 2008 Dallas

Life Membership - 2004

October 30, 2019 [ReadMore]\
Alex Janke

Diablo A's chapter

President - 2011, 2013, 2016
Publications/PR - 2010
Treasurer - 2012, 2017, 2018, 2019
Chief Judge - Vehicles - 2014 Puyallup

May 10, 2019 [ReadMore]
Trudy Vestal

Hangtown A's chapter

MAFCA Treasurer - 2013, 2014, 2015,
Chapter Coordinator - 2016
Era Fashions Chair - 2000-2003; Chief Fashions Judge 2010 Vancouver; National Meet Chair 2018 Reno/Sparks
Volunteer of the Year - 2012
Life Membership 2018

March 6, 2019 [ReadMore]
Charlie Scott

Hangtown A's chapter

MAFCA President 2000,
Chapter Coordinator 1998,
Membership director 1999,
Secretary 1997.
Chairman of the 2005 National Awards Banquet

Life Membership - 2002

February 9, 2018 [ReadMore]
Ed Davis

Jewel City and San Fernando Valley Chapter,

MAFCA President 1984
Advertising Director - 1985
Chapter Coordinator - 1983
Membership Director - 1997
Secretary - 1982, 1996

Life Membership - 1992

August 13, 2017  
Fred Carlton

Georgetown Texas, DMAFC, Lone Star Chapter

Restorer Editor 1988-2000

December 15, 2016 [ReadMore]
Jerry Wilhelm

Lithia, Florida

MAFCA President 1989 and 1991
Vice-President - 1986, 1987, 1992
Advertising Director - 1983, 1984, 1997, 2013-2015
Membership - 1988, 2012
Technical - 1984 (from Sept.)
Treasurer - 1993, 1994, 1998-2000, 2007-2010
November 11, 2016 [ReadMore]
Walter E.

Red Stick Chapter

August 21, 2016 Honorary Member Walter E. Joyce, Gulfport, Mississippi has passed away at the age of 98 He was one of the original founders of MAFCA in 1957. W6IQM - signs off!
George Pope

Charter Oak A's

MAFCA President 1964
Chapter Coordinator - 1967
Meet Chair - 1962 (from July)
Secretary - 1963
Treasurer - 1976 (to Nov.)

Life Membership - 1977

July 11, 2016 [ReadMore]

Annabelle Pope

Charter Oak A's and others

MAFCA Executive Secretary
Life Membership - 1977

February 4, 2016


Jill Sullins

Dallas Chapter

MAFCA Vice President 2010
Chapter Coordinator - 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Secretary - 2007, 2008, 2009
National Awards Banquet Chair - 2003
National Meet Chair (Acting) 2008 Dallas

August 25, 2015


Marshall Lewis

Modesto Area A's

MAFCA President - 1977
Technical Director - 1976

January 1, 2015 [ReadMore]

George DeAngelis

Author of "The Ford Model A as Henry Built It"

December 14, 2014 [ReadMore]

Fern Davis

Jewel City Chapter
San Fernando Valley Chapter

Life Membership - 1992
September 2014 Read about Fern in the
Nov-Dec 2014 issue of
The Restorer

Paul Lewis Sr.

Piney Wood Model A Ford Club
Greater Houston,
Golden Triangle A's, and

National Awards Banquet Chair - 2001 Houston

May 19, 2014 [ReadMore]

Bob Trousil

Downey, California

1994 MAFCA President
Advertising - 1996
Technical - 1993, 1995
National Meet Chair 2002 Riverside -
Judging Standards Chair - 2002
Chief Judge - Vehicles 2004 Portland -
National Awards Banquet Chair, 1997 Buena Park,
- 2007 Ontario
Life Membership - 2004

June 21, 2013 [ReadMore]

Doc Ingwersen

Diamond Tread Chapter

Secretary - 1994
Treasurer - 1995, 1996, 1997
National Meet Chair - 1990 San Diego

Life Membership - 1997

February 24, 2013 [ReadMore]

Aldie Johnson

Minuteman Model A Club
Postal A's Chapter

MAFCA President 1990
Membership Director - 1987
Treasurer - 1988, 1989

September 23, 2012 [ReadMore]

Archie Cress
Evergreen Chapter

Co-Creator - A-World Magazine

Life Membership - 2003
December 12, 2010 [ReadMore]

Craig Watjen
Bellevue, Washington

President - 1973
Chapter Coordinator - 1972
National Meet Chair - 1994 Tacoma
August 13, 2010 [ReadMore]

For Member memorials, Click Here.

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MAFCA member, dates birth and passing, chapter affiliation(s), and a short bio if desired.

Last Updated: 07/10/24